Getting started with DEA

This section focusses on getting started with Digital Earth Australia (DEA) through pre-built instances. These instances come with examples that teach you how to use DEA, as well as data and software you can use for your own work. The primary software for DEA is the Open Data Cube (ODC), which can be easily integrated with other Python packages.


There are two available pre-built instances: the Digital Earth Australia Sandbox and the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI). The Sandbox is suitable for all users, containing a representative sample of available data. The NCI contains all available data, but users must apply and be approved to gain an account.


The examples are provided as Jupyter Notebooks, which can be run in either instance. Jupyter Notebooks contain code and explanations side-by-side so that you can understand the steps involved in an analysis. Our Jupyter Notebooks page provides a quick introduction to using Jupyter Notebooks. For a more detailed introduction, visit the Jupyter Notebook Documentation.

The examples contained in each instance are the same as those covered in the User Guide.

Getting help

You can ask questions (and view previously asked questions) on the Open Data Cube Stack Exchange page. When asking a question, tag it with open-data-cube.

You can also join our Slack community for help setting up or using Digital Earth Australia.